Alex's BIG party was on Sunday, 7th of October, but his REAL birthday was on Monday, 8th of October. So on his REAL birthday we had a small dinner with Mamma, Pappa, Isabell-i (that is what Alex calls her sometimes!), Farmor, and Farfar. Here are some pics from his smaller party.
Also, on another note that I forgot to mention, 1 day before Isabella turned one she took four steps. That is the exciting news. The not so exciting news: she hasn't taken anymore since! But I know that it will come. I remember when Alex just took off one day and after that he discovered a whole new world to explore and I discovered a whole new realm of safety hazards and CLEANING!
Our babies are growing up so fast! I cant believe Lexi and Isabella are ONE and Alex is 3! Thanks for the updates - love the pictures.
Good words.
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