Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wow, what a long time!

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post. We have been so busy this past month and it has flown by! We have enjoyed the Trosa carnival and market, a dinner with Erik's aunt, uncle, and cousin and her child, dinners with friends, Midsummer with family and friends, the Trosa Race, trips into the archipelago, and the kids have even had an overnight outing with their Farmor and Farfar to the zoo. Added to all of this we have had work, daycare, gardening, and Alex has learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Now, this week Alex and Erik are to go camping with our friend, Jonas and his son and Alex's best friend, Fabian on one of the islands overnight. I hope it goes well for them. We have also went from 50 degree weather and a couple of nights of frost in the beginning of June to 80 degree weather now at the end of June! So the kids and I are fighting colds from the changes in weather, but we don't care because now it feels as if summer has finally arrived!!!! Now, hopefully our strawberries and raspberries will be ready to pick soon. They are a little behind this year because of the colder weather. I know Alex and Isabella can't wait! I will post several times I am sure in order to post all of our pictures and stories, so stayed tuned.

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