Well, this past Wednesday, the 8th of October, we celebrated Alex's 4th birthday. He was awaken this morning with a "Happy Birthday" song and a gift. Later he went to dagis to play with friends and he took popsicles for everyone and they sang for him. People that love him very much made phone calls from literally all over the world (Grandmama and Pa from the US, Ulrika here in Sweden, and Farmor and Farfar from Spain). He decided that for his birthday dinner he wanted pancakes with jam and cream. That is his absolute favorite! He always chooses that over anything else. (I wonder why?! :)) So, he helped make the pancakes and whip the cream. Afterwards he got a birthday cake. It is called a princesstårta (princess cake) and is a common Swedish cake. He also, of course, got many gifts. Overall, I think that he had a fun day.
Since he has turned 4 he definitely thinks that he is bigger and can do more things. One thing that he always said he was going to do when he turned 4 was to sleep the entire night in his own bed. Well, amazingly, that age has turned to 10! But, I must say that he is working on it (with a little help of bribery!) He is my little man and helps me a lot with Isabella. He helps her reach things that she can't and he likes to help her with puzzles, etc.
He had his 4-year check-up this past Friday and everything was great. They had him draw a person, count, run, walk on a balance beam, and he took an eye and hearing test. The nurse always likes to see him. She enjoys his calm, interactive personality. Now his big question all of the time is, "WHY?" That can be a little hard to answer at times. But it is fun to hear him be inquisitive about things. Now I look forward to this year and I try to remember to not ever take the small things for granted. I think those make the best memories!