If anyone was wondering, we are still here!!! Wow! I can't believe that it has really been 4 months since I last updated! I am sorry to those who have been checking. I must do better, and I will do better. It seems as if I need to work on a little time management!
Well, a lot has happened since the last update, and I am sure I will not remember everything. Just a quick recap:
The family took a mini-vacation to a small island outside of Stockholm with Erik's parents and his sister's family. Then shortly after our return, my best friend from the U.S., Felecia, came over for a two week visit. Within those two weeks, she and I also took a girls' trip to Paris, France. Also, on the sixth of August I became a very happy aunt to little Reid (my brother, Luke's and Jen's baby boy). We celebrated Erik's birthday on the seventeenth of August and then before we knew it, it was September! In September, along with my cafe job, I began teaching part-time at the local elementary school and doing private tutoring. My weeks have become much busier! In October we celebrated Isabella's (Oct. 2: 3 years old) and Alex's (Oct. 8: 5 years old) birthdays and had a big birthday party with a pinata. They both received new bikes and are loving them. After the celebrations, Erik and the kids took a week long trip to visit his parents in Spain. Other than Isabella wanting Mommy at times, they had a wonderful vacation. We have also renovated our 1/2 bath, and have started on our LARGE room downstairs (trying to make two normal sized rooms). Now, it has just been work, school, and today Alex and Isabella received their swineflu vaccinations. Hopefully, this will give them a little extra protection during our travels in December. We definitely do not want any sick babies!
On a sadder note: During all of this, my Aunt Patty Lynn (my Mom's sister) lost her fight to pancreatic cancer. It broke my heart to not be there for my family, but I feel that they know that I carry them, along with their joys, fears, heartaches, and griefs with me and in my heart at all times. She was a wonderful woman that I have so many wonderful memories of, and she is greatly missed.
The family and I will be heading to the States to celebrate Christmas this year. It will be a much needed visit for so many reasons, and I am really looking forward to meeting my nephew for the first time. I can't wait to hold him, kiss him, and love all over him. I only have two weeks to make a lasting impression until our next visit, so I have to make the best of it! Also, I can't wait to meet with family and visit with my grandparents. It is always so comforting to be amongst them.
I will also be posting some pictures that have been taken over the past 4 months!